2020-2021 ICS3U-E: AVR FOUNDATIONS | |||||
Session 9. (Wrap up: ISP Presentations and Mathematics Enrichment) |
77 Jun 1 |
Algebra Primer Proof by Mathematical Induction |
Calculus Primer Recursion: Pascal's Triangle, Binomial Theorem Towards Better Code 11b |
76 May 31 |
Recall: Composition of Functions as in `h(x) = f \circ g(x)` |
Software Enrichment Global vs Local Variables Recursion: Factorial, Perms, Combs Towards Better Code 11a |
Consider the recursive definition of the Natural numbers, `\mathbb{N}`, `t_1=1, t_{n}=t_{n-1} +1` |
LC, HM, JC | MIA (AP Microeconomics): JD |
Long ISPs OA, LC*, XC*, JC*, JD*, SGV JG*, DL*, HM*, JO, TS*, FS |
TS, SGV, DL, FS | MIA (AP Biology): ? |
2.20b,c | |||
JD, JG, AS | MIA (AP English): XC, JC, DL, SGV |
2.20b,c | |||
XC, JO, OA | MIA (AP Chemistry): ? |
2.6 Mechanical OA*, LC*, XC*, JC*, JD*, SGV, JG, DL** HM*, JO*, TS*, FS*, AS |
71 May 7 |
Charlieplexed Matrix Audio-Responsive Equalizer |
Software Optimization Register-Level Input Towards Better Code 9 followup demonstration Hardware Optimization Charlieplexing on the RSGC ACES' SMT Charliestick Towards Better Code 12 |
Charlieplexed Array (ACES' SMT CharlieStick) Charliestick Animation (15s) |
70 May 6 |
Register-Level Digital IO Towards Better Code 9 followup demonstrations Reusable Code Towards Better Code 10 Custom Library 1: Header Files (.h) |
69 May 5 |
Asynchronous Wednesday - Work on this weekend's submission or your Long ISP post emails to the Forum if you have any concerns |
68 May 4 |
Second look at the ATmega328p's GPIO Ports #include iom328p.h |
Software Optimization Register-Level Digital IO Towards Better Code 9 ATmega328p Datasheet |
Language Reference:: Bits 'n Bytes |
67 May 3 |
Avoid Mystery constants: #define or assign names to constants |
Recursion: Fibonacci and Pascal Towards Better Code 11 |
2.6 | ||
Weekend Break | |||||
66 Apr 30 |
Memory Issues Bounds Checking and Memory Allocation Towards Better Code 7 Data Smoothing Towards Better Code 8 |
2.6 Today's Sketch Sequence: DoWhileMenu.ino Permutations.ino CallByReference.ino ArrayMemoryIssues.ino |
65 Apr 29 |
De Morgan's Laws |
C-Style string data type and Formatted Output Towards Better Code 5 Pointer Access Operators (& and *) Towards Better Code 6 |
Parameter passing: |
2.6 | |
64 Apr 28 |
Asynchronous Wednesday - Work on next weekend's Submission (2.6) post emails to the Forum if you have any concerns |
63 Apr 27 |
Scrolling Matrix |
Menus Towards Better Code 3 Data Memory Options Towards Better Code 4 |
Consider Arduino C's F() macro |
62 Apr 26 |
TIOBE Languages by Popularity |
Back to where we started Towards Better Code 1 Better Decision-Making Towards Better Code 2 |
2.6 | ||
Session 7. (March) Motor Control Concepts: DC Hobby Motors, Servos, Steppers |
61c Apr 1 |
RSGC ACES' Gem: O. Logush (Queen's Eng. '22) CNC Machine User's Guide |
RSGC ACES' Gem: M. McCutcheon (ACES '20) Mini CNC Plotter |
Stepper Gem: P. Bizzarri's Line-Following Bot |
61b Apr 1 |
Stepper Gem: A. Elder (Mac. Eng. '21) Laser Projector |
Arduino Stepper Library can be problematic! Stepper Library (Examples) Unipolar vs Bipolar Stepper Motors MOT-28BYJ-48 Datasheet RSGC ACES' Library-free Stepper Motor Example... Stepper28BYJ48Example.ino Video support for this Example |
NEMA 17 Stepper |
Servo Gem: J. Corley's (Queen's Eng. '22) Binary Hand Counter |
Motor Type 3: Precision Positioning... Stepper Motors (pp 57-58) (General) How Does a Stepper Motor Work? MOT-28BYJ48 with ULN2003 Darlington Driver A MUST View.... (Specific) MOT-28BYJ-48 with ULN2003 Driver Drive Options: Wave, Full, and Half-Step Here's a Half-Step Sequence Animation... |
Datasheet: ULN2003 Darlington Array |
60 Mar 31 |
Polish... ...but Inspiring :) How a Servo Motor Works (build your own?) Servo Connections Servo Controller |
Motor Type 2: Servo Motors Blum's Servo Tutorial Servo Library (Ex. Knob, Sweep) Servo Library Uses Timer1 A brief introduction to AVR Timers... Timer1 Registers and Clock Prescalers K. Shirriff: Secrets of Arduino PWM Github: Servo.h |
59 Mar 30 |
DC Motors 3... 5V MCU Control Logic over 9V Motor Power Supply DC Motors 4... SN754410 Quadruple Half-H (Motor) Driver |
Let's code... DCMotorControl.ino |
58 Mar 29 |
It's been awhile... See supporting links from Lesson 53 below ACES' Frame Player: DC Motors 1 (Introduction, Speed, Torque) The H-Bridge ACES' Frame Player: DC Motors 2 (Direction) |
for EMF Collapse... Flyback Diode (aka. Snubber, Shunt) |
Animation... Mechanical Relay |
57 Mar 25 |
ISP Presentations DL, CM, JO, AS |
2.10 c 2.10 c: Medium ISP OA, LC*, XC**, JC, JD, SGV, JG, DL, CM, HM, JO, TS, FS, AS |
56 Mar 24 |
ISP Presentations HM, TS, FS |
Joseph V's DC Motor Mount Design Files EncoderV3.stl, MotorV2.stl, Motor2V2.stl (L. Cassano's 3D Print) |
55 Mar 23 |
ISP Presentations OA, LC, XC, JG |
Motor Gem: |
2019-2020 ICS3U ACES... DC Motor Tachometry SA, PB, JB, JDe, HD AG, JL*, MM*, RM, SR LR-C, OS, JS, CT, WT MVD, JV |
54 Mar 22 |
ISP Presentations JC, JD, SGV |
ACES' Speed-Related Demos... External Interrupt with a PhotoInterrupter (0:24) Measuring RPM with a PhotoInterrupter (0:52) Inverse Electromagnetic Principle (1:06) L293D or SN754410 (both in your kit) |
Mar 18 |
LOW-side vs HIGH-side Switching Falstad: Darlington Pair |
Separation of Control and Supply Power Supply Considerations N-Channel Switching Options BJTs (<1A) (3904, 2N4401, BC337) vs Darlington Array (<5A?) (TIP120) vs MOSFETs (>5A?) (IRF520) The H-Bridge ACES' Frame Player: DC Motors 2 (Direction...) |
Motor Control
with a Darlington Array: TIP120 (TO-220) ULN2003 (DIP-8) |
Falstad Simulation... Darlington Pair Logic Levels This is one of the first circuits to combine different voltage levels (5V Control Logic and 3.3V Drive Supply). It is a good time to introduce yourself to some fundamental principles and vocabulary associated with these topics. |
52 Mar 17 |
Understanding Gears GearGenerator.com |
Antikythera Mechanism
ACES' Frame Player: Magnetic Fields Introduction to DC Hobby Motors ACES' Frame Player: DC Motors 1 (Introduction, Speed, Torque,...) Good Value... DPDT Toggle Switches |
Sparkfun's ROB-11696 Hobby-Gear Datasheet: M260 Brushed vs Brushless? |
2.10 b,c, 2.20 a, 2.6 |
Session 6. (February) Wireless Communication (Infrared, Radio Frequency, R2R DAC, 555 Unpacked) | |||||
51 Feb 26 |
Project Time: 2.5 or ISP | Optional Project Infrared: XC 555 Unpacked:JD |
50 Feb 25 |
Project Time: 2.5 or ISP | 2.5 | |||
49 Feb 24 |
Project Time: 2.5 or ISP | 2.5 | |||
48 Feb 23 |
Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic nRF24L01+ 14Core: nrf24 Projects eg. nRF24L01+ |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, RF, IR, BT) nRF: Radio Frequency nRF24L01 Transceiver: Getting Started, Arduino Guide AVR Foundations Workbook: pp. 85-88 RF24 Library (tmrh20) Class Documentation RxTest.ino, TxTest.ino |
ACES' nRF24L01+ BoB... |
47 Feb 22 |
Datasheet... 4610X-R2R-103LF |
Familiar Resistor Network Designs Theory Class (seeds and roots:)... Digital to Analog Conversion (DAC) Great blog and exceptional supporting video: Basics of an R2R Ladder DAC Other useful video explanations... DAC Methods: R2R Ladder DAC Using R2R Resistor Ladder Arduino Basics: Digital to Analog Conversion |
Thevenin and Superposition |
End of IR. RF next week... |
46 Feb 19 |
IRremote (V2.5) Library Documentation Note: Active Development! Find IR Codes |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, IR, RF, BT) ACES' Frame Player: Infrared (Digital) IR Data Communication → → → |
Fola's SMT RC ISP... Your 3mm Emitter: LTE-3206 |
NASA's Perseverance: Mars Landing today! |
45 Feb 18 |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, IR, RF, BT) ACES' Frame Player: Infrared ← ← ← (Analog) Proximity Sensing (Digital) IR Data Communication → → → IR Communication with... Sparkfun Supporting Video |
(A MUST read) SB's: IR Control Theory |
44 Feb 17 |
2. SHORT (4-30 cm) Distance Sensor: Sharp IR GP2Y0A41SK0F GP2Y0A21YK0F |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, IR, RF, BT) ACES' Frame Player: Infrared |
Sharp IR GP1A58HRJ00F Photointerruptor ACES' Example |
3. NEAR (<15 mm) Proximity: (Reflective Optical Sensor) TCRT5000L RSGC ACES' Linus Line-Following Robot Linus Debut |
43 Feb 16 |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, IR, RF, BT) Emitter:(Clear) Phototransistor: (Black) 1a. Interrupt Application (Analog) |
PhotoDiode vs Phototransistor vs Photoresistor (LDR) ACES' Frame Player: Infrared Measuring a motor's angular velocity (RPM) using a wheel encoder? |
FAMILY DAY WEEKEND (February 12-15) |
Chinese New Year: February 12. Year of the Ox (Aux?)... | |||||
42c |
Online Tone Generator |
AVR Foundations: LCDAnalogMeter Terrific Tutorial: MSGEQ7 by Skoba RSGC ACES MSGEQ7 Audio Equalizer Prototype Custom LCD Character Function: createChar() |
Tone Generator Sweep |
Port Pin Summary (1:55) |
Low Pass Filters: Good (Intuitive) Low Pass Filters Passive Low Pass Filters |
The Briefest? Introduction to ... Passive Low and High Filtering Passive Low-Pass Filter Design Tool |
42a Jan 29 |
A 7-Band Audio Spectrum Analyzer The MSGEQ7 (Mr. D's favourite(?) 8-pin IC) The Definitive MSGEQ7 Blog... MSGEQ7 by J. Skoba ( LCD Wiring Refresher ) |
pp. 109-110 |
MAX9814 and MSGEQ7 |
41 Jan 28 |
MAX9814 Mic/Amp with AGC MAX9814 Tutorial |
AVR Foundations Workbook... pp. 109-110 |
Audio Input with Adafruit's ... Electret Mic/Amp |
No Teaching By Order of Management :)
EAGLE PCB / ISP Q&A SESSION (Optional Attendance) |
40 Jan 26 |
595 as SPI Device? |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, RF, IR, BT) AVR Foundations Workbook: pp. 82-83 Arduino Workshop: SPI |
MBv3SPIBus Support Code: MBv3SPIBus.ino |
SPI Library SPIvsShiftOutV2.ino Arduino C Toolchain... pins_arduino.h |
SESSION 5.2: SPI and an Introduction to Audio |
39 Jan 25 |
EAGLE Loose Ends: Silk-screen Borders, Mitered Corners Milling Layer (46) and Reference Layer (49) Board Houses JLCPCBs, DirtyPCBs |
38 Jan 22 |
ACES_Generic.cam |
The CAM Processor (.cam) Generating the Gerber (Manufacturing) Files Check & Rules Error (ERC) Design (.dru, DRC), Better PCBs in EAGLE |
Trace Width & Ampacity |
2.10a |
EAGLE Tutorials: 3. Board Layout |
Creating the Board File (.brd) Schematic: Replace (6mm for 12mm PB) Layers (Dimension, Holes, tOrigins, tSilk, 200bmp) Tools (Line, Miter, Hole, Mirror, Ratsnest, Show, AutoRouter, Text) Scripts: ripup; import-bmp.scr |
ACES_THT.dru Adafruit Mint PCB files EAGLE Rules |
2.10a |
No Teaching By Order of Management :)
EAGLE Tutorials: 2. Schematic |
Creating the Schematic (.sch) Convenient EAGLE Libraries (.lbr): ACES_THT.lbr, Sparkfun, Adafruit Installing Sparkfun and Adafruit Libraries RSGC ACES Common Parts: THT, SMT, General |
2.10a |
EAGLE Tutorials: 1. Install and Setup |
Holiday Challenge Results: SquareWave to Sine Wave Sinusoidal Bicolor LED, Plotter Introduction to EAGLE PCB Design Altoids Arduino PCB PCB Gallery, EAGLE Home Page Application Orientation Projects, Preferences, Schematic, and Board |
2.4.2 Perma-Proto 328P LC, XC*, JC, JD, JG, DL, CM, TS, FS, AS |
Parts4MintTinATmega328P (Deadline: Saturday January 2, 2021) |
USART Progamming of the Breadboard ATmega328P with support for Serial Monitor/Serial Plotter Mint Tin LEDs: Photo, Video |
Video Sketch: BlinkwithSerialOUT |
Breadboard ATmega328P OA, LC, XC, JC JD, SGV, JG, DL* CM, HM, JO, TS FS, AS |
UNO as Programmer |
Embedded Systems Martyn Currey: ATmega328p on a Breadboard Rheingold: Deep Crystal Discussion 2020/2021 Breadboard ATmega328P Mint Tin ATmega328P |
Flashing AVR MCUs with the AVR Pocket Programmer Burning the Bootloader Voltage Regulation with the LM7805 (p. 34) |
Recall J. Goodwin's XTAL Oscillator as |
Would an ATtiny do? |
BREADBOARD ATMEGA328P Project | |||||
WireLevelRTCLCD |
Behind the curtain... Wire-Level RTC Exercises (cont'd) 3. DS1307 RTC Timekeeping Registers Remember ... Great code is Modular: Arduino C Functions |
sprintf, Format Codes |
C++ Operator Precedence (p. 140) |
DS1307 as UNO Appliance Behind the curtain... Wire-Level RTC Exercises (cont'd) 4. DS1307 Square Wave Exploration Video Support: DateTime DS1307RTC BoB |
DS1307 Block Diag... |
SQW Control Reg... |
Review Homework ... StructsandConversions.ino Behind the curtain ... Wire-Level RTC Exercises 2. TC74 Tiny Serial Temperature Sensor |
Mr. D's Soldering Tip ... Let it Wick! |
ACES Gold: Vassos'... Capacitor Visualizer Soldering |
PJRC: Stoffregen's DS1307RTC Library Discussion TimeLib.h, DS1307RTC.h BCD: Binary Coded Decimal Two utility functions: uint8_t dec2BCD(uint8_t dec) uint8_t BCD2dec(uint8_t bcd) Create a project from: StructsandConversions.ino |
tmElements_t DS1307 RTC Assembly Tutorial Please have BoBs soldered... ← AVRISPProgrammer and DS1307 RTC→ |
DS1307 Registers C++ Operator Precedence (p. 140) |
Wire-Level RTC Exercises (cont'd) I2C 'Hot Swapping' Demonstration Arduino Core Library:
Wire |
I2C Tutorial DS1307RTC DS1307RTC Excerpt... TC74 Temp Sensor |
DS1307 Real-Time Clock (RTC) |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, RF, IR, BT) NXP: What is an I2C Bus: An Introduction Behind the curtain... Wire-Level RTC Exercises 1. How I2C Communication Works Breadboard an I2C Bus with the DS1307RTC |
2.4.? |
Session 3. Code Modularity, Libraries and Serial Rx/Tx Communication I (7 Classes)
In-Circuit Serial Programming (p. 95)
Sparkfun's AVR Pocket Programmer First Look at Interrupts Recall the ATmega328p's Pinout (p. ii) TimerOne::Interrupts Stoffregen's TimerOne Library Documentation Recall ProcessingtoRGB.ino First look at the ATmega328p's GPIO Ports Recall #include iom328p.h (hardware) Arduino Language Reference::Bits 'n Bytes TimerOne::Interrupts Revisited (Improved?) |
What is a Bootloader?
ISP Idea? |
Ask UNO OA, LC, XC**, JC, JD SGV, JG, DL**, CM HM, JO, TS, FS, AS 2.3 |
GPS, NMEA Decoder |
LCD Appliance EAGLE Board View 5V Power Pins |
2.3 |
24 Nov 16 |
(Re)Download AVR Foundations → |
Communication Protocols (Serial, SPI, I2C, RF, IR, BT) Serial Communicaton (UART) Part 1. AUTONOMOUS ARDUINO Processing, Wiring |
ProcessingtoRGB JoyStickSerialFeed CircularTrigFunctions Industrial Joystick (Possible ISP Idea?) |
→ |
HD44780U |
LCD Technology: How it Works DIY (?) Custom LCD Your 16x2 Character Liquid Crystal Display Hello, World! Library, Constructors RSGC ACES' LCD Examples: Reaction, Temperature, Time, Keypad, Audio Digikey's LCD Inventory Sampler ACES' Advanced LCD Project: Direct Drive |
LCDAnalogMeter |
Tip: The F() Macro |
Day 1 Exercises (continued) C: null-terminated array of char, as in, char name [] = "RSGC ACES"; or, String (Class and Objects) |
Strings: Examples & Exercises StringExercises |
Arduino's Core Libraries Classes: Static (Serial) vs Instantiated (String) |
21 Nov 10 |
Day 1 Exercises |
Endianness | Day 2 Function Concepts: Overloading Parameter Passing: Call By Value vs Call By Reference |
Review of PoVWord Exemplar The & Operator RAM Allocation Modular Programming: Functions (p. 45) Day 1 Function Concepts: Stubs, Scope, Predicates, Call by Value vs Call by Reference Parameter Passing Overloading ( as in Serial.print() ) |
Functions: Examples, Exercises Session 3 Loot... |
Session 2. Extending the Arduino's Output Pins and Persistence of Vision (PoV) (9 Classes)
'Tis the season... Ghosting and Masking Introduction to EEPROM #include Arduino.h (software) #include iom328p.h (hardware) MatrixMadeEZ Kit Components |
Persistence of Vision OA, LC, XC**, JC, JD*, SGV, JG*, DL**, CM*, HM, JO, TS*, FS, AS |
RSGC ACES: Dual 7-Segment POV |
Arduino Time Functions:
millis(), micros() Persistence of Vision (PoV) Dual CC 14-Segment Alphanumeric Display KWA-541CPGB Datasheet LPT-3748G Datasheet (2019/2020) |
? | |||
1D Scrolling Bargraph 8_16 Scrolling First Look at (Arduino) C's... Preprocessor Directives The Beast: PoV Delay and PWM Dimming Grade 10 Counting Circuit Revisited: Dual 7-Segments: 5011AS Datasheet |
to Scrolling? MaskingExemplar |
Scrolling Technique Bitshifting |
Solder Up Your Morland Bargraph V3 This Weekend And Have Ready for Service on Monday | |||||
The THT Morland Bargraph V3 The SMT Morland Bargraph V4 |
Appendix E. C Operators and Precedence (p. 140) Extending the MCU's (Output) pins... Introducing the 74HC595 Shift Register Different Datasheets: SN74HC595 Binary Display Counting Circuit (4-bit, 8-bit, 10-bit) |
EC: 4020, 4060 Your kit contains... 32kHz XTal, 15MΩ Res |
Software: Iteration (aka Repetition, Looping) while, for, arrays Logical (Bitwse) & Operator (p. 42) File > Examples > Display > barGraph Inspired by J. Goodwin: Pierce Oscillator ' Counting? ' |
Bicolor Bargraph |
(No-charge) Supplements: Resistor Networks Morland PCB 50' Red Hookup Wire ABRA-Nano |
Review of
Traffic Light
Appendix E. C Operators and Precedence (p. 140) Conditional Decisions (Branching) if if..else ternary switch...case, break ACES' RGBLED Scripting Language V1 |
Online TA Support
10-LED Blue Bargraph |
SIP Resistor Network |
Session Break | |||||
Session 1. Arduino Fundamentals (10 Classes) |
Hand in your DER Right Now! Please have your Hardware Debounce PCB soldered up for the start of class, please. First Look at... Serial Input: read() ACES' RGBLED Scripting Language V1 ? R5r1G4g1B2b1O3o.mp4 |
switch...case break |
2.1 Traffic Light OA, LC, XC*, JC, JD, SGV*, JG, DL*, CM, HM*, JO, TS, FS, AS |
9 Sep 24 |
Curriculum Night for (Day 1) Parents @ 7 |
Bit Shifting Example: analogRead() to analogWrite() Boeing's Big Mistake? What happens in hardware, stays in hardware :) Wiring an RC Debounce circuit |
We need to smooth out the state transition... |
8 Sep 23 |
First Look at Operators
The to accurate... (Mechanical) Digital Input? File>Examples>Basic>DigitalReadSerial Controlling Bounce DebounceTest |
Button or Switch contacts can lead to false readings...:( |
7 Sep 22 |
pp. 16-17 |
Base Conversion Algorithm using Binary Decomposition The to... Analog Input? Successive Approximation Cooperative Code Session: VoltageDivider.ino |
ADC Successive Approximation |
6 Sep 21 |
pp. 14-15 LED Power Performance |
A possible late start due to Prefect Speeches?
The to... Analog Output? Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Cooperative Code Session: BreathingLED.ino Faux Fire Effect File > Examples > Basics > Fade |
5 Sep 18 |
pp. 3, 6, 8 What happens if... you have an LED in pins 0 and 1 while uploading ? |
Writing GREAT Code: Standard Integer Data Types DataTypes.ino First Look at... Serial Output: println() |
Learn HTML: W3Schools Code for DER: Copy as HTML Example AVRFoundations |
2.1 |
4 Sep 17 |
Back to the Toolchain for a moment...
Arduino C's Sketch Host: main.cpp Writing BETTER Code: Variables Constants and Data Types Cooperative Code Session: 5mmRGBLED.ino (let's improve yesterday's code) |
File>Preferences: verbose compilation & upload Tools > Auto Format |
Arduino Language Reference Digital Output pinMode(pin,mode) and diigitalWrite(pin,value) |
3 Sep 16 |
Arduino UNO Tech Specs Comparison of (External) Resistance: 0 Ω vs 220 Ω Schaffer Traffic Light Arduino Toolchain Cooperative Code Session: 5mmRGBLED.ino (let's write some INFERIOR code together for starters :) |
2 Sep 15 |
Overview of the Arduino Hardware The ATmega328p Datasheet Custom Configuration of your Arduino Software IDE Source files: .ino BareMinimum.ino Hard Drive Scavenger Hunt! Example: Blink.ino |
1 Sep 14 |
p. 0 |
AVR Foundations' Cover Video... S. Atkinson's: Foosball Scoreboard The Arduino IDE: Software Download Power, Programming Ports |
0 Sep 9 |