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2009 Showcase
50th Anniversary Clock
2025 DES Day Counter
2019 DC Fan
2024 A Tiny Clock
2025 doodLED
ACES Custom PCBs
AGC: ACES Game Console
Arduino as ISP
Binary Challenge
Charlieplexed Equalizer
Custom Perma-Proto System
Fergus Fidget Logic Trainer
Fix-It Club
Flexible Circuit Board
ICS3U Framework
Insolation Log
LCD: Direct Drive
Project Euler
Punch Card Key
Scrolling Display
Serial Mastermind
Solar Tracker
Standalone ATmega328
Standalone ATtiny85
Tablet Tutorials
UPDI Programmer (2024)
1081 PhotoTransistor
12 LED (RG) Bargraph
18 Segment Blue Alphanumeric Display
1N400n (Power) Diode/Rectifier
1N4148 (Signal) Diode/Rectifier
1N4728A - 1N4758A Zener Diode
24LC256 I2C Serial EEPROM
2N3904 NPN (BJT) Transistor
2N3906 PNP (BJT) Transistor
32.768 kHz Tuning Fork Crystal
3V Relay (KEST Family)
4-Digit 7-Segment Raymond RTC Display
5V Relay (2A/28V)
5V Regulator (250mA/0.4VLDO) TO-92
5mm LED
7-Segment CC 0.56" LED Display
74HC165E (Shift Reg: Par In/Ser Out)
74HC595 (Shift Reg: Ser In/Par Out)
74HC597 (Shift Reg: Par In/Ser Out)
74LS181 ALU
AA (Eneloop)
AAA (Eneloop)
Accelerometer (MMA7361)
ATmega16 (Summary)
ATmega16 (Full)
ATmega328PB (Summary)
ATmega328P (Full)
ATtiny24/44/84 (Summary)
ATtiny24/44/84 (Full)
ATtiny414 (Full)
ATtiny85 (Summary)
ATtiny85 (Full)
AVR Instruction Set (Summary)
AVR Instruction Set (Full)
AVR Register Summary
AVR-libc User Manual 1.8
Big O Cheat Sheet
Bourns Resister Networks
CD4011BC Quad 2-Input NAND Logic IC
CD4067 16-Ch MUX
CD4069 Hex Inverter
CD4081 Quad 2-Input AND Logic IC
CD4511 BCD to 7-Segment Decoder
DHT22 (RHT03) Humidity Temperature Sensor
DMC20261 20x2 LCD Module
DS1307 RTC
DS1803 (I2C) Digital 10 kΩ Potentiomenter
Electret Microphone
GP1A57HRJ00F PhotoInterrupter (Sharp)
GP2D120X (distance sensor)
GP2Y0A41SK0F (distance sensor)
GP1UX31QS (IR detector for RC)
GP1UX51QS (IR detector for RC)
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
HD44780 Hitachi LCD Controller/Driver
HEF4543B (BCD to 7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver)
HEF4794B (Shift&Store LED Driver)
Hextronik HXT900
HT16K33 16*8 LED Controller Driver with keyscan
I2C Address Compilation
IRF520 (N-Channel Power MOSFET)
L293D (Quad Half-H Motor Driver)
LA-301VI Small THT Seven Segment Display
LA5041R (17-Segment Alphanumeric Display)
LB-602MK2 (Green Dual 7-Segment Display: ROHM)
LED Matrix (8x8/BiColor/24 pin)
LED Matrix (8x8/HyperRed/16 pin)
LM317 (Voltage Regulator: TO-220)
LM339A (Voltage Comparator)
LM35DZ (Temperature Sensor)
LM324 (Quad Op-Amp)
LM386 (8-DIP AMP)
LM2917 (Frequency to Voltage Converter)
LM358 (Operational Amplifier)
LM3914 (Dot/Bargraph Display Driver)
LM555 Timer
LM741 (Operational Amplifier)
LM75 (Digital Temperature Sensor)
LM78L05 (Voltage Regulator: TO-92)
LM7805 (Voltage Regulator: TO-220)
LTP-14158AG (5x8 Green LED Matrix)
LTP-14158AG (8x5 Dot Matrix)
LTP-2B88AE (8x8 Bicolor LED Matrix)
LTP-3784G (Green dual digit 14-segment display)
LTS1720E (1" Seven-Segment Display)
MAX7219CNG (8 LED BCD multiplexer/driver)
MAX9814 (Mic/Amp with AGC)
MCP4231 (SPI) Digital 10 kΩ Potentiometer
MCP4261 (SPI) Digital 10 kΩ Potentiometer
MCP9808 (I2C Temperature Sensor)
MIC5891 (8-Bit Serial Latch Source Driver)
MSFS (Single Chip Spectrum Analyzer)
MSGEQ7 (Seven Band Graphic Equalizer)
MSLSA (Lower Power Spectrum Analyer)
MSSCSA (Single Chip Spectrum Analyzer)
Nokia 5110 LCD Display (48x84)
NA556N Dual Precision Timer IC
NE555N Timer IC
NRF24L01+ Wireless Communication
NTC Thermistor
Optimize C Code for AVRs
P2N2222A (NPN BJT: TO-92)
RFP30N06 (N-Channel Power MOSFET)
RTC: Real Time Clock (DS1307)
RTC: Real Time Clock (DS3231)
Schurter Power Jack 4840.2200
Servo (Parallax Standard)
SN74HC595 Shift Register
SN74HC74 Dual D Flip-Flop
SN754410 Quad Half-H Motor Driver
S05NF STD (Metal-Gear) Servo
SR (NAND) Latch
SSD1306 OLED Driver
STM32F205xx (Particle's Photon MCU)
TC74 Tiny I2C Serial Temp. Sensor
TCRT5000L IR Sensor
TDA7052 Audio Amplifier
TIP 120 Transistor (Darlington Pair)
TIP31 NPN Transistor (Medium Power)
TL013-R Audio Transformer
TMP36 (Temperature Sensor)
TPIC6C595 (Power Logic 8-bit Shift Register)
UDN2981AT (Source Driver)
ULN2003A (Darlington Transistor Array)
ULN2803A (Darlington Transistor Array)
US5881 (non-latched) Hall Effect Sensor
WS2812 (Intelligent Control for Integrated LEDs)
ZXSC380 (DC Boost Converter: Joule Thief LED Driver)
Inactive Courses...
ICS2O: 2006-2014
ICS3U: 2006-2015
ICS4U: 2009-2015
ICS4M: 2008-2009
MHF4U: 2009
Grade 4: 2016
Grade 6: 2018
Grade 6: 2017
Grade 6: 2016
Grade 6: 2015
12 Eng: Projects
11 Eng: Principles
10 Eng: Prototyping
6 Analog Electronics Intro
5 Binary Logic
4 Block Coding
3 3D Solids
Day Calendar
Fractal Archive
Anniversary Clock
ACES Hall of Fame
C. D'Arcy. PriMATA. 1995-2025.