RSGC Grade 3 Living Wall Project

As of:

Our Living Wall is an initiative spearheaded by faculty from RSGC's Junior School. The purpose of this joint project between the Grade 3 class and 2012-2013 Grade 11 ACES Engineering class is to provide students with an educational context for the awareness, care and maintenance of plants and their habitat.

The Grade 3 students are responsible for the design and construction of their modular containers, together with the selection and maintenance of their plant species. The Grade 11 students provide consultation and construction services for the mobile framework together with habitat monitoring data (i.e. temperature, humidity, insolation) to provide the Grade 3 students with feedback on the local environment.

A rough sketch of the structure as of January 2013 appears to the right. The current schedule suggests the station will be operational by mid-April. Click a button below to display the respective data log:


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