2024-2025 ICS3U-E Independent Study Projects (ISPs)

Independent Study Projects. Please read our overview on why ACES pursue Independent Study Projects so vigorously.

Grade Contribution to Final Mark

For the bulk of your formal education you have been, and will continue to be, required to consume curriculum chosen for you by someone else. Hopefully you will put this knowledge and skill to good use in your future. However, jumping through someone else's hoops no longer secures future success. For that, you must put yourself in the driver's seat while in secondary school to both cultivate and demonstrate your own unique initiative, motivation, and passion. RSGC ACES program is explicitly built and tailored for you to foster these greater goals. Yes, there is much to learn but there are so many great projects to be undertaken and noble problems to be identified and solved that offer stimulating contexts within which to develop and refine your interests it will quickly seem more than worth the risk, effort, and cost.

To my mind, the characteristics of a great project include such aspects as imagination, creativity, a degree of risk and, sometimes, even simplicity, to name a few. Check out the flashlight circuit 'board' this guy made out of little more that a piece of paper and a pencil? Simple, but inspiring. Consider a problem that needs a solution. Boyan Slat did at age 17 when he was in high school; four years later he is cleaning up the world's oceans. (Update: January 9, 2019) So, dig in, think, dream, research, and explore possible project pursuits. Be discerning: don't accept the first thing that comes along. You'll be expected to maintain the progress of your ISP on your web page to enable everyone to follow your efforts so have your phone handy to at all times to capture the images of your journey. Be conscious of the fact that a multi-page summary of your project will appear in your DER after Presentation Day for more permanent record of your efforts. You may wish to take into account the ISP Evaluation document that will be applied on your Presentation Day.

Also, don't underestimate the value of an enterprise/entrepreneurial aspect to your project that could see a number of units of your project in the hands of future ACES, for sale in the Dragon's Lair or beyond, reaching an even a broader audience.

The 7 Ps of a Successful ISP...

Preparation > Proposal > Prototyping > Preview > Production > Presentation > Publication

2024-2025 Independent Study Projects

ACE ISP.Long (20%)
Tuesday October 15
ISP.Medium (20%)
Saturday February 1
Proposals ISP.Long Proposal
ISP.Medum Proposal
Nathan A.

LED Tic Tac Toe

DESCRIPTION The project is a Tic Tac Toe game built with a 3x3 grid of multi-color LEDs that display either X or O, depending on which players turn it is. Players will use buttons to cycle through the available squares and select the desired square. The game will indicate the current player's turn with a flashing multi-color LED. When a player wins, the winning tiles and the turn indicator will flash to show the win.
MCU 328p
DESIGN The PCB will be designed using EasyEDA, and the case will be designed in Fusion and created using a 3D printer.
COMMUNICATION The communication will rely on serial for button inputs and LED control.
LCD Pocket Emitter

DESCRIPTION This project is a remote mimic device that integrates both infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) communication methods to capture and emit remote control signals. At its core, the system is built around an Arduino Nano that acts as the main controller, with a user-friendly interface provided by a 16×2 LCD and a set of push buttons for mode selection. The LCD provides real-time status updates, displaying the current mode (IR or RF), indicating when a signal has been successfully captured, and confirming transmission events
MCU 328p
HARDWARE Controller: Arduino Nano
IR Section: TSOP38238 IR Receiver, TSAL6200 IR LED
RF Section: FS1000A RF Transmitter, MX-RM-5V RF Receiver, 20 cm antenna wire
User Interface: 16×2 LCD, Tactile push buttons
Libraries: IRremote, RadioHead, LiquidCrystal
Functions: Copy Mode and Emit Mode Techniques: Interrupts, Debounce, Bitwise
Austin C.

Wireless Charging Stand

DESCRIPTION This project is a wireless charger stand for a phone. It works by creating a magnetic field in a copper coil and transferring the current to the phone that it is connected to. This current is then used to charge the battery. I will also a design a stand that encases the wireless charger and helps line up the charger and the coil inside the phone for maximum efficacy.
MCU None
DESIGN EasyEDA to create a PCB and Fusion 360 to design a stand.
Remote Controlled and Automatic Cat Laser

DESCRIPTION It is going to a be a toy for a cat that automatically moves the LASER around to simulate someone playing with the cat. There is going to be a manual mode will allow a user to move the LASER using a joystick. This allows for your cat to be entertained even when you are unable to play with it, including in small areas.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE Joystick, Laser and servo motor
SOFTWARE Code for the joystick, code for the servo motors and code for the automatic mode.
DESIGN PCB & Fusion case
MECHANICAL Servos for X & Y positioning
Julian D-S.
Dynamic 2D Display on an LED Matrix

DESCRIPTION The matrix will display dynamic 2D shapes using an Arduino. It will allow the user to generate a variety of geometric patterns, with each shape represented visually on the matrix.
MCU 328p
DESIGN Case: Material: 3D-printed plastic.
Mounting: Standoffs for the Arduino and snug slots for the matrix.
Ventilation: Small cutouts for airflow if needed.
PCB: Matrix Control: I will use a driver like MAX7219 or WS2812B addressable LEDs to simplify wiring.
Power: External 5V or 12V power supply, with proper current-limiting resistors.
Connectors: Include detachable connectors for ease of assembly. Misc: Capacitors: Decoupling capacitors for voltage stability.
COMMUNICATION I will use SPI as it is faster then I2C, it is optimized for dynamic changes that I will include in this matrix
GlowLog, Git Display

DESCRIPTION Display the last 30 days of GitHub commits on a 3x10 grid of LEDs (arranged left-to-right, top-to-bottom). Each LED represents a day, with the top-left being 30 days ago and the bottom-right being today. Brightness mimics GitHub’s heatmap: more commits = brighter LED (scaled in tiers like 0=off, 1-3=dim, 4-6=medium, 7+=max).
HARDWARE • LEDs: 30x LEDs (single data pin, chainable).
• Power: 5V
• Misc: 330Ω resistor on data line, 1000µF capacitor across LED power.
SOFTWARE • GitHub API: Pulls commit history via /users/{username}/events (filters PushEvent).
• Auth: Personal access token (PAT) stored locally.
• Brightness tiers: 0=off, 1-3=20%, 4-6=60%, 7+=100% (mapped to GitHub’s 4-color logic).
• Cron job: Auto-refresh daily at midnight (no manual updates).
• Libraries: FastLED (LED control), ArduinoJSON (API response parsing).
DESIGN• Case: Simple black case designed for PCB
• PCB: Black PCB with 3x10 LEDs well organized
• Labeling: Tiny etched day numbers (1-30) below LEDs.
COMMUNCATION • WiFi: ESP-12E fetches data directly from GitHub API (no external computer).
• LED protocol: Single-wire serial (FastLED library) on GPIO pin D4.
Hunter G.

Digital-to-Analog Audio Converter

Step 1: The ATtiny84 reads digital audio data from the SD Card Module.
Step 2: The data is sent to the DAC Module, which converts it from digital to analog.
Step 3: The Amplifier boosts the analog signal.
Step 4: The amplified signal is sent to the Speaker, which produces sound.

DESCRIPTION This project aims to create a digital-to-analog audio converter (DAC) using an ATtiny84 microcontroller. The DAC will convert digital audio signals (from a music file) into analog signals, which can then be output through a speaker. The design will use an R-2R resistor ladder to try and achieve 16-bit audio resolution. This project will read digital music data from and SD Card and process it to generate sound
MCU mega328p & tiny84
DESIGN The circuit design will be done in EasyEDA for the DAC and ATtiny84 boards. Fusion360 will be used to design a 3D-printed Case for the whole project.
COMMUNICATION SPI will be used to transfer the digital audio data from an external source (e.g., a computer or SD card) to the ATtiny84 and the DAC.
MECHANICAL I will be using a speaker as the output of my Converter as well as a SD Card reader that will be able to transfer file on SD card to my ATtiny84.
The Roulette Wheel

DESCRIPTION This project aims to create a 20-LED Roulette Wheel using a hardware-driven approach with two 4017 Decade Counter ICs and a 555 timer. The 555 timer is configured to generate a continuous pulse that drives the two 4017 ICs, which sequentially light up the LEDs. The 20 LEDs are arranged to simulate the spinning of a roulette wheel, with the sequence of lights speeding up and eventually stopping at one LED to mimic the final result of a roulette spin. This design eliminates the need for a microcontroller, relying solely on the 555 timer and 4017 ICs to manage the LED sequence. The project aims to be both visually engaging and technically simple, with a focus on a clean, efficient hardware setup.
MCU None
HARDWARE • 555 Timer: Configured in astable mode to generate a clock pulse.
• 4017 Decade Counter IC: Two ICs used to drive 20 LEDs. Each IC counts from 0 to 9, and together, they enable the control of 20 individual LEDs.
• 20 LEDs: Sequentially lit to simulate the spinning of the roulette wheel.
• Resistors and Capacitors: For controlling the timing and operation of the 555 timer and 4017 ICs.
DESIGN For the design of the 20 LED Roulette Wheel project, I will create a custom 3D case using Fusion 360. The case will securely hold all components, including precise cutouts for the 20 LEDs, and compartments for the 555 timer and two 4017 ICs, with easy access to power connections and external components. A custom PCB will be designed through JLCPCB, integrating the 555 timer and 4017 ICs while providing a compact, organized layout with minimal wiring. The PCB will be optimized for easy assembly, with clear component markings. I aim to create an aesthetically pleasing and finished look, as it is the main focus of this project. I feel my design skills are not up to par in this course and this project is an opportunity to improve my skills.
Elliot H.

Photon Wireless Communication Network

DESCRIPTION The network will contain 2 computers that can communicate between each other. This is done by setting a 2 digit number on one computer, the main computer will then use a very bright LED to transfer data between computers using a 4-digit binary message for each digit of the set number. The other computer will use its own LED to communicate back saying that it received the first number and the main computer should send the second one. In the end the secondary computer will display the set number on two 7 segment displays.
MCU 328p
DESIGN Using easy EDA to create 2 PCBs for either computer, and using fusion360 to create a case that can hold a power supply for both computers.
COMMUNICATION Using visible photons to wirelessly communicate (might have to complete demonstrations in a dark room)

DESCRIPTION Uses 4 sensor Temperature, Humidity, UV Radiation, and visible light. And make a data structure and send the entire structure to the receiver that takes this information and displays it on a OLED screen. This communication will be done on 2.4 GHz wireless RF communication.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE nRF24L01 – Radio Transceiver
Arduino Nano – microcontroller
AM2320 – Temperature/ Humidity sensor
S12SD -  UV sensor
LDR – visitable light detector. 5v regulator
SOFTWARE The transmitting node takes all the information from the sensors, packages it and sends it to the receiver to display on the OLED screen.
DESIGN Fusion 360 for custom 3D printed case And JLCPCB for 3 custom PCBs.
COMMUNCATION Using I2C for some of the Sensors, SPI for communication to the RF module, and RF between modules.
Naol K.

The Temperature and Humidity Sensor

DESCRIPTION The temperature and humidity sensor is used to display the room temperature along with the humidity. It can be an advantageous tool in the classroom, home, or in the outside environment and can help one dress appropriately for the climate or simply answer the question of what the temperature and humidity is. This project has a bigger focus on the use of software than hardware components and it can show the applications of software. 
MCU 328p (Nano)
DESIGN EasyEDA, Fusion 360
COMMUNICATION AHT10 Sensor Module communicates through the I2C interface with the MCU.
Random Fingerprint-based Alarm Clock

DESCRIPTION The way that the Random Fingerprint-based Alarm Clock works is once the alarm goes off, it will pick a random hand and finger that one needs to place their finger on, to be able to turn off the alarm. These fingerprints will already be stored on the fingerprint scanner and they will be picked at random. The goal of project is to add an obstacle to avoid pressing the snooze button and going back to sleep. It is also more interactive in comparison to traditional alarm clocks or phone alarms.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE - Liquid Crystal Display (16 rows by 2 rows)
- Arduino Nano
- DS3231 RTC Module
- Buzzer/Speaker
- Fingerprint Scanner GT-521F52 or similar Fingerprint Sensor Module
- Potentiometer (for the LCD)
SOFTWARE - for the time (RTC)
- fingerprint sensor GT-521F52
- displaying messages on the Liquid Crystal Display
- Buzzer
DESIGN - Perma-protoboard
- Fusion360
- EasyEDA (Undecided)
- JLCPCB (Undecided)
COMMUNCATION - Serial , - I2C, - Digital Input/Output

Thomas La.
Alarm Clock

DESCRIPTION The alarm clock project will be a fully realized alarm clock, including a time display, an alarm setting and a full encasement. The alarm will encompass all aspects of hardware using a big LCD screen, software components with Arduino coding of the time and alarm, and design for the casing of the alarm clock.
DESIGN Easy eda will be used to create a custom PCB for the final project. This PCB will match a fusion 360 design so that it takes the appearance of an actual alarm clock.
COMMUNICATION The I2C will be used to properly connect the LCD used to display the time and alarm. An RTC (real time clock) module will also be used to update the circuit with the proper time. Finally serial communication will be used to update the code and transmit it to the nano.
Hockey Puck Dispenser

DESCRIPTION The hockey puck dispenser will be a custom designed machine that will use servo motors to dispenses mini hockey in order to practice one timers. Arduino code and servo motors will be used to launch the puck out, and fusion 360 will be used to create a custom design for everything to go into. No libraries will be used.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE An Arduino UNO (?) will be used to power the motors, and a button and switch will be connected to the UNO to turn on the system and launch the pucks.
SOFTWARE Arduino will be used to control the motors so that they move at the highest available speed to send the puck as fast as possible. No libraries will be used.
DESIGN Fusion will be used to create a fully custom casing for everything to be protected. JLC will be used to create a custom PCB to connect everything together
MECHANICAL 2 60Kg/cm servo motors will be used to launch the mini pucks out.
Nathan LN.
The 4 Player Reaction Time Game

DESCRIPTION The 4 Player Reaction Time Game is a multi-player game that tests your reaction time. The game uses an Arduino Uno as its microcontroller, interacting with four large arcade-style buttons, each assigned to a different player. An LCD display serves as the screen displaying the results of each round and other information. An LED lights up after a random wait period, with the fastest button press determining the winner. The final prototype will be in a large custom 3D printed case.
MCU 328p (UNO)
DESIGN EasyEDA, Fusion360
COMMUNICATION Serial communication for displaying results and troubleshooting I2C for LCD display communication
The SafeKit

DESCRIPTION This project is a 3D-printed safebox with an electronic lock controlled by an Arduino Uno. It protects valuables inside using a keypad-based authentication system and an LCD display (I2C) that provides feedback on password entry and system status. A high-torque servo motor controls the locking bar, which lifts off two hooks when the correct password is entered, unlocking the door that is attached to the case with a hinge. The safe remains securely locked otherwise. The size is fairly large to resemble the size of a normal safe. The password can only be set once during installation, preventing changes or resets for added security. The design will include a strong 3D-printed case, reliable locking system, and easy to use electronics. This project should provide a durable storage solution and make sure that valuables inside of it cannot be stolen.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE • Arduino Uno (ATmega328P) as microcontroller for extra pins, processing user input and controls locking mechanism
• 4×4 Keypad to input the password for authentication, sends inputs to Arduino, uses matrix wiring
• I2C LCD to display feedback on password entry, status, other prompts, uses I2C communication to reduce wires
SOFTWARE • Libraries Used: LiquidCrystal_I2C (for LCD display), Keypad (may not be used), Servo (for motor control)
• Password Handling: Stored in EEPROM (non-volatile memory), can only be set once for security
• Authentication System: User enters a password via keypad, If correct, the servo unlocks the door, If incorrect, the system denies access and stays locked
DESIGN Fusion360 for Case, Door, Locking Mechanism Design JLCPCB for Custom PCB
MECHANICAL Servo Motor (25 kg/cm torque or other high-torque servo motor)
Thomas Lo.

5V Voltmeter

DESCRIPTION This circuit will be able to measure any voltage between the ranges of 0 to 5 volts. It will achieve this through the use of an analog-to-digital converter, and logic chips like the 4510 and 4511. The voltage that is read will be displayed on four seven-segment displays so that the result is accurate to the millivolt and there will be a button to reset the display. Additionally, the final prototype will include a custom 3D printed case along with a custom-made PCB.
MCU ?? N/A
DESIGN This project will use EasyEDA and Fusion360.

Digital Watch

DESCRIPTION This project would display the date and time, derived from an RTC, on an OLED display. The watch would feature a button and slide switch to change the date and time. Additionally, the slide switch could be used to turn the watch on and off to conserve power. The bottom of the watch will be detachable for easy access to the PCB, a necessary feature for changing the battery and programming the ATtiny85. Finally, the watch will be waterproofed using epoxy resin and silicon gaskets so it is usable in the rain and snow.
MCU ATtiny85
HARDWARE The watch features a button and slide switch that can change the date and time as well as turning the watch off and on. As well the power of the circuit is derived from a 3V lithium cell battery. This power will be drawn from a battery holder attached to the PCB.
SOFTWARE The watch features an ATtiny85, an RTC, and an OLED display, all of which must be programmed to work in unison. Additionally, the PCB utilizes a six-pin header to program the ATtiny85 from an MCU like the nano.
DESIGN The body of the watch will be designed in Fusion360 with the lens being custom cut acrylic. The watch will utilize a PCB created in EasyEDA and produced by JLCPCB.
COMMUNCATION The digital watch will use I2C to connect the OLED display and serial for displaying the date and time and troubleshooting.
Evan M.


DESCRIPTION A custom designed helmet with moving parts, similar to an iron-man mask. A futuristic and sleek black and red helmet with a moving faceplate. The focus of the project is the design aspect, and honing my fusion modelling skills.
DESIGN Lots of fusion 360, paint, maybe EasyEDA
COMMUNICATION The uploaded sketch on the Nano or uno will trigger certain things when an input is given. This will be done without connections to a wall.
MECHANICAL Servo motors for precise control an movement of the face-plate pieces
AI Sentry Turret

DESCRIPTION The turret is an automated tracking system that uses a camera to detect and track people in real time. It combines AI-powered object detection with stepper motor control and features a mounted Nerf gun for hitting targets. The target will be tracked using Open-CV software from python, this will output a coordinate to transfer to Arduino, the Arduino will move the servos to aim at the target.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE I will use two bipolar Nema-17 Stepper motors, an Arduino nano, two SN754410ne chips to control the stepper motors, the code will come from an Arduino and the camera tracking is through a webcam.
SOFTWARE I will use python to track the target, an Arduino nano to control the stepper motors and “shoot” the target.
DESIGN I will use Fusion 360 for the shell of the turret, I will use JLCPCB to house the stepper motor connections and the nanp
MECHANICAL Stepper motors to control the different motions.
COMMUNCATION I will use a standard USB cable to connect my Mac to the Arduino. I will use Serial Communication to connect python to the arduino

Bertram M.

Ultrasonic Distance Meter

DESCRIPTION It would be able to measure distance using a ultrasonic sensor and display the result on seven segment displays.I am going to be using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor along with some 555 chips to make oscillators, along with some CD40110 chips to use as counters that takes the output from the HC-SR04 and display them on the seven-segment display, I would also need some variable resistors to calibrate the oscillation that the 555 chips to make the sensor more accurate. There will also be a general switch to turn the device on and off.
MCU None (CD: ?)
DESIGN I will be using EasyEDA and Fusion360 to make a PCB and a case for the project.
COMMUNICATION This project would not be using any software programming
Two Player LED Matrix PONG game

DESCRIPTION This would be a two-player version of the classic game Pong. It would consist of the ball bouncing between two movable platforms controlled by two potentiometers. Whoever can prevent the ball from touching their edge of the matrix wins. The speed of the ball would speed up at a slow speed to make the game more challenging. There would also be a reset button used to start a new game.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE The hardware portion of this project would mainly just consist of controlling the two LED matrices that are chained together with shift registers such as the 74HC595. There would also be two potentiometers which I would conduct analog read from to allow it to move a line of LEDs up and down the matrix.
SOFTWARE I would first program a single lit up that constantly updates its position and moves only in a straight line. I would then make the code constantly check if the ball has bumped into the up, bottom, left edge, right edge, and both player 1 and 2’s platforms. If the ball hits the top or bottom of the led matrix, the x direction stays the same but the y direction is reversed and then continue to update the position of the ball, and if the ball hits either of the player’s platforms, the x direction is reversed and the y direction stays the same. If it hits the right or left side of the matrix, then the game ends.
DESIGN The design would consist of two different circuit boards made by JLCPCB. One containing the Arduino nano along with the shift registers, the other containing the pot pins and the LED matrices and a custom case made on Fusion.
MECHANICAL Potentiometer as paddles
Keaton M.

The UNO Calculator

DESCRIPTION This Circuit is a calculator powered via an Arduino UNO controlled by a key pad to power a liquid Crystal display or LCD. This circuit will be able to do simple mathematical equations with in the limits of the capabilities of the Uno. This circuit will also be streamlined and designed to be for maximum user experience with the LCD placed at the top of a slender case, the key pad at the bottom easily accessible by the thumbs and the Arduino hidden in the case. It will also take a 9v power supply converted into a 9v supply.
MCU 328p (UNO)
DESIGN I will use EasyEDA to produce a circuit board in which to emplace my power supply voltage regulator and necessary connections to the Uno keypad and LCD. The board will be streamlined and include silk screening clearly labeling each component and input/output. I will also use Fusion360 in order to create a user-friendly case with a slot for the PCB battery and an opening for the key pad and LCD. I will make a custom PCB for the key pad with silk screening labeling the use of each button.
MECHANICAL There are few details in this circuit which are Mechanical with the only main part being the voltage regulator which will translate 9V batteries into 5V there will also be a key pad which is wired to the UNO.
Mechanical mini-Car

DESCRIPTION This Project will contain a simple 3D designed car and motor-powered wheels. The car will not be connected by blue tooth but have a simple switch attached to the top to turn the car on and off. The design of the car will be extremely simple and only complicated enough to challenge my skills. The PCB and breadboard skills will be relatively simple but the overall design will challenge me enough but not too much. Furthermore, the design aspect of the ISP will force me to work on my time management skills.
MCU None
HARDWARE The hardware details will be mainly motors powered by batteries. The circuit will first be wired on a breadboard and then a PCB will be connected to a case and the car.
DESIGN the first design detail is a PCB which will be designed with EasyEDA and then shipped by JLCPCB. the PCB will potential be split into sections with mother boards or separate boards. The other design component is FUSION which will design the car and overall case. The car will be simple and not overly complicated, I plan to have sharp edges and an area to hold a PCB on the bottom.
MECHANICAL There will be motors to power the wheels and these motors will be powered by batteries for the necessary power on the motors.
Rhys N.


DESCRIPTION The voltmeter is based off the ICL7107 chip. This device leverages the ICL7107's integrated 3 1/2-digit analog-to-digital converter and 7-segment display driver to create a voltmeter. The voltmeter will have a range of 1999V to 0V. This chip will take an input voltage and compare it against its internal reference voltage. This reference voltage can be change to make the voltmeter more or less precise (decreases or increases range of voltage measurement). After comparing, the seven segment displays will display the input voltage.
MCU None
DESIGN EasyEDA and Fusion360
Watch Winder Box

DESCRIPTION The 3D-printed watch winder uses a DC motor to keep automatic watches wound. A watch winder is a device that keeps automatic watches running by rotating them to replicate wrist movement, preventing them from stopping when not worn. The design has a custom 3D-printed enclosure, a rotating watch holder, and a microcontroller-based control system for adjustable speed and direction. This project will focus on design and have aspects of software.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE There is a DC motor for rotation, and an Arduino Nano to control the motor's speed and timing, a motor driver (L298N), a power supply, a potentiometer to control rotation speed, and capacitors to limit noise.
SOFTWARE The software for the watch winder project will be developed using the Arduino IDE to write and upload code to the Arduino Nano. The software will control the DC motor's speed, timing, and direction, to control rotation and make sure the motor operates well. The software will allow for precise control of the motor, including adjusting rotation speed and direction.
DESIGN This project will use Fusion360 to develop the outer case, the watch holder and the various other small parts to cover the internal workings. JLCPCB will be used to create a PCB with the control features and to manage the DC motor.
Daniel O.

4-Bit Basic Calculator

DESCRIPTION The 4-bit digital (hardware only) calculator can perform basic arithmetic operations on two 4-bit numbers. It is entirely built from logic gates and flip-flops without microcontrollers (MCUs). The design includes buttons for user input (backspace, clear entry, clear, equals) and uses 7-segment displays to show results, allowing decimal number display. It uses 4000-series integrated circuits (ICs) for implementing logic gates, arithmetic operations, and memory functions. The system is scalable; however, increasing the calculator beyond 4-bit would exponentially increase the number of components, specifically for multiplication and division. A battery, with a holder in the case, will power this calculator, and the calculator will only process integers.
MCU None
DESIGN EasyEDA will be used when I am making my PCB as a permanent fixture for my 4-bit Basic Calculator and Fusion360 will be used for the designing of my case.
Bomb Defusing Minigame Modules

DESCRIPTION This project will require me to make and code various modules used to defuse a bomb. The modules are inspired by the game: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. This ISP will be software focused as it the area I find necessary to improve in to succeed in this course next year and beyond. These modules in this project will be separate PCBs, each with their own Tiny 84 MCU to control whichever mini game runs on that circuit. Each module, depending on the game will have buttons, LEDs, or an LCD (or an OLED). Each of these will either serve as the inputs to solving the puzzle (the buttons) or display the information required to solve the puzzle. Each of these modules will have male headers on the back of their respective PCBs so they can be universally transferred to different spots on a game board. The game board (case) will be made by Nathaniel Willis as a separate project. Lastly, I will be writing a bomb defusal manual that contains the instructions for how to solve each game.
MCU ATtiny84
HARDWARE LEDs – To display colours/patterns
PBNO Push Buttons – To input solutions to the minigames LCDs (or OLED replacement) – the screen used to display either numbers or characters
SOFTWARE Tiny 84s – the MCU used to control each game.
AVR Pocket Programmer – used to program the Tiny84 from Arduino IDE Arduino IDE – software used to program the Tiny 84
DESIGN EASYEDA/JLCPCB will be used to design the PCBs for each individual minigame
Jaoquin P.

Weather Station

DESCRIPTION The Weather Station will consist of multiple sensor (anemometer, rain gauge, thermometer) connected to a LCD display. It will be able to tell things like the temperature, wind speed, or how much rain has fallen. This project will combine hardware, software, and design, with a greater focus on software and design, as I will need to code the sensors and use Fusion to design a case for the display, as well as components for the sensors.
MCU 328p (Nano)
DESIGN I will use EasyEDA to design the PCB(s) for my project. For the different external components and cases, I will use Fusion for the design.
Hand Crank Flashlight

DESCRIPTION This project is a hand-cranked flashlight that uses a dynamo generator to convert mechanical energy into electricity. This electricity is then stored in a rechargeable battery or capacitor. A bridge rectifier ensures DC output, while a Joule Thief circuit boosts voltage efficiently to power an LED. Key hardware components include a small DC motor (stepper motor as a generator), bridge rectifier (1N4007) Schottky diodes (5819), a ferrite-core inductor, an NPN transistor (3904), and a voltage regulator for stable output. The combination of the hand-crack flashlight with a Joule Thief circuit allows the flashlight to function even with weak battery charge. This project focuses more heavily on hardware, as well as design.
MCU None
HARDWARE The circuit consists of two main parts: the generator, and the Joule Thief. The generator, allows for the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy using a stepper motor to generate an AC current, while a bridge rectifier converts AC current into DC. Schottky diodes prevent current from going back to the generator. The Joule thief consists of a ferrite-core inductor, along with a transistor. Capacitors and a voltage regulator make for a more reliable output. Finally, an LED(s) is powered, with a potentiometer to control the brightness.
SOFTWARE No software is required, as the system relies purely on electronic circuitry and energy conversion principles to operate.
DESIGN The case for the hand-crack flashlight will be designed using Fusion360’s design software. The PCB for this circuit will be designed using EasyEDA, then ordered through JCLPCB.
MECHANICAL The dynamo generator for my circuit, will be a stepper motor.
Theo P.

Pocket Piano

DESCRIPTION The Pocket Piano is a compact, multi-octave digital piano designed for portability. Powered by an ATmega328p microcontroller, it controls the pulse width modulation (PWM) of a piezo buzzer to produce different tones as you press corresponding keys. You can navigate between octaves using simple buttons. The piano keys, 3D-printed for a realistic touch, are mounted onto buttons, and the entire system is housed in a custom 3D-printed case. The design also includes LEDs for power indication integrated into a printed circuit board (PCB).
MCU 328p (Nano)
DESIGN There will be use of EasyEDA as well as Fusion360.
MECHANICAL I will be using a piezo speaker to emit the sound outputted from the piano.
Wireless Gate Keeper

DESCRIPTION The Wireless Gate Keeper project is a wireless access control system exercising the one wire concept and radio communication. Users enter a four-digit passcode followed by the pound (#) button, and the system verifies the input. If correct, a green bicoloured LED lights up, a positive signal is transmitted through radio at 2.4 GHz frequency, and a servo motor rotates 90 degrees to open a gate; if incorrect, a red bicoloured LED lights up, and a negative signal is transmitted, keeping the gate closed.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE I will use the one-wire keypad concept by having multiple buttons connected to a single analog input pin, each producing a unique voltage when a button is pressed. A servo motor in this project controls the gate by rotating 90 degrees to open when the correct passcode is entered.
SOFTWARE Radio communication in this project uses an RF transmitter and receiver to wirelessly send a signal indicating whether the entered passcode is correct or incorrect.
DESIGN Two PCBs are being fabricated through JLCPCB—one for the receiver and one for the transmitter. I am also 3D printing the door and a custom case for the keypad in Fusion 360.
MECHANICAL The project uses a servo motor to control the gate’s movement.
Anka S.
Connect 4

DESCRIPTION This is a Connect 4 game with the circles being bi-colored LEDs for the two opponents. It is powered by an Arduino Nano. There are two modes: 2-player mode where two human players play against each other, and a single player mode where the human faces a bot that is coded. The selection of squares is 3 buttons: 2 for going left and right, and one for selecting. When selecting, the LED blinks using a 555 chip. There is also a reset button to reset the board.
MCU 328p (Nano)
DESIGN The PCB will be made in EasyEDA and the case will be designed in Fusion360.
Automatic Water System

DESCRIPTION This system will detect the temperature and moisture level in the soil of a plant, and if the moisture gets too low, it will pump water into the soil. This is driven by an Arduino Nano. It has an LCD screen to display the moisture level and the temperature. Also, there is a battery holder inside the case to power the circuit.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE The battery will power the Arduino Nano, which will give signals to everything. There is a MOSFET for the Nano to be able to power the water pump. There are also terminal blocks to connect to the temperature and moisture sensor, the water pump, and the LCD screen.
SOFTWARE The code is done in Arduino IDE since everything is driven by the Arduino Nano. The LiquidCrystal library is used to drive the LCD.
DESIGN The PCB is designed and developed in EasyEDA and JLCPCB, while the case is designed in Fusion360.
MECHANICAL A water pump will be driven by the Arduino Nano through a MOSFET. This will pump water from the container to the plant.
Jack S.
A real time audio processing device with effects

DESCRIPTION The idea behind my ISP is to have an audio effects device that is capable of applying various sound effects including Chorus and Reverb to an inputted audio. Using components including a DSP, op amps, capacitors, resistors and potentiometers to manipulate the audio in real time through controls like switches or push buttons. This system enables users to explore sound by using live audio and manipulating it with effects.
MCU 328p (Nano)
DESIGN EasyEDA, Fusion 360 and JLCPCB
The Jump Height Tracker

DESCRIPTION This jump height tracker is a wearable project that measure the height and consistency of a person’s vertical jump using an accelerometer. This system detects takeoff and landing and calculates the jump height based on this acceleration data observed. This data will then be displayed with an LCD screen and or recorded to be displayed within a spreadsheet. This device is designed for athletes looking to measure their vertical jump while in real game scenarios.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE This project will utilize several key components to receive the jump measurements. The MPU6050, accelerometer will be the primary sensor recording the data of the jump. The Arduino nano will then process this data and output it to an LCD screen. This system will also need components like resistors and capacitors for stable operation. Lastly, a 9V battery will be used to power the circuit.
SOFTWARE An Arduino Nano and Arduino IDE will be used in this project to process the data detected by the accelerometer. Then within the C++ code, potential libraries will be used such as the MPU6050 Library or the LiquidCrystal_I2C.
Jones T.
Morse Code Translator

DESCRIPTION The Morse Code Translator is an Arduino-Based circuit that takes an input from a button, and translates into text on a small LCD screen by using Arduino code. The project is divided into two parts, a case with a large button for the input, and a case that houses a custom PCB on the inside and an LCD screen on the outside. They are connected by a wire that can be varied in length for short or long-range message transmission,
MCU 328p (Nano)
DESIGN EasyEDA PCB, Fusion360 Custom Case
COMMUNICATION USB Data Transfer to Arduino Wire connections between the Button and Arduino, and between the Arduino and Screen.
MECHANICAL There will be a hinge on both cases to open the case and see the internals.

Plasma Arc Lighter

DESCRIPTION This project is a custom-built plasma arc lighter. It will use a custom PCB, and 3D modeling and printing. It will have a high-frequency transformer to generate the plasma arc, and be battery-powered. It will have precisely positioned electrodes to create a stable and efficient arc for ignition. The 3D printed case will be reminiscent of the shape of an actual lighter, meaning it will be urgonomic for the user. The main focus of this project is to focus on design. I aim to create an advanced 3D print. The PCB will have thick traces to ensure safe power flow, as well as being sufficiently insulated for safety.
MCU None
HARDWARE Lithium-Ion Battery, Boost Converter, High-Frequency Transformer, Push Button Switch, Custom PCB, Electrodes (for arc formation)
DESIGN Fusion. EasyEDA
Nathaniel W.

Bluetooth Controlled Forklift

DESCRIPTION This project will be a forklift made primarily with 3D-printed materials. It will focus heavily on design with some focus on mechatronics, given the lift system on the front. This project will also be a dive into Bluetooth, as it will also feature a Bluetooth controller using an HC-05 module to communicate to another one on the vehicle. The forklift will use a front-wheel drive system with a caster wheel at the back.
MCU 84/328P (Nano)
DESIGN The two PCBs for the vehicle and controller will be made in EasyEDA. All of the 3D design for the vehicle, controller encasement, and mechanical parts will be done in fusion.
COMMUNICATION This project will use HC-05 modules to communicate with Bluetooth between the controller, which will have an ATtiny84 microcontroller, and the nano on the main body of the vehicle.
MECHANICAL Three stepper motors will be used in the vehicle, one for each of the front wheels, which will be controlled independently, and one connected to the pulley which will move the forks up and down the front of the forklift.
Bomb Defusal Central Game Module

DESCRIPTION This project is a motherboard and case that will control the main game logic for a tabletop game inspired by Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. In this game, player 1 has a bomb with many small puzzles, and player 2 has a manual with the instructions on it. The catch: neither player can look at the other’s item, so the two players must communicate to defuse the bomb before the timer runs out. The central module and case will contain information that is different each game for player 1 to communicate to player 2, such as a serial number on the side of the bomb. This information will be sent to each peripheral module (the puzzles) in the form of many Boolean cases. Examples include whether the serial number contains a vowel or whether it ends in an even digit. Each puzzle will be its own smaller PCB that is completely independent, meaning that they will be able to be moved around the bomb each game to create a unique experience each time. The PCBs will receive all the Boolean information through headers, and only transmit back a “Completed” or “Failed” signal to the central module. I will also be making the main countdown module, which is the only peripheral fixed in place. This module will also keep track of the strike count out of 3. The first 6 puzzle modules will be made by Daniel Odoemelam, which is the baseline for his project, although these two projects also lend themselves well to other modules being created, because the modules are all universal. It is likely that we will finish our respective proposals with time to spare, in which case more modules can be made.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE The main module will be controlled by an ATMega328p, and the information scattered around the case will be displayed on LEDs and LCDs. The timer will use a 4-digit 7-segment display to display the countdown and two LEDs to display the strikes (only two are needed as on the third, the game ends.) The 4-digit display will be driven with 74HC595s.
SOFTWARE The software for the central module will be fairly straightforward (although not easy), randomizing visual information at the beginning of the game and sending the information to each peripheral, then checking for strikes and completed modules while driving the countdown timer.
DESIGN This case will be very large, and will have to be printed in 4 pieces due to some modules containing large components such as LCD screens. These pieces will be screwed together. There will be a supporting “back piece” for each module so that the headers can be on the right-hand side only, meaning that both sides of the case can have modules inserted. The case will be 3 modules across by 2 modules vertically on each side.
MECHANICAL A solenoid will be used to push a flag out the side of the bomb that says “boom” for a funny payoff if the game is lost.
COMMUNCATION All communication between modules will be done using GPIO communication
William X.


DESCRIPTION The Trigonometer is a device that is capable of graphing three kinds of primary trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent functions) with high resolutions on four 32 ´ 8 LED matrices with on-board MAX7219 IC. A telephone keypad and several PBNOs will be used to input equations, types of function, and parameters. These pieces of information will be displayed on a TFT LCD. The TFT LCD will also display the basic properties of the function graphed and some trigonometric identities and equations by default. A couple of potentiometers will be used to zoom in and out on the graphs as well as adjust brightness. A joystick will be included to provide another way of graphing the functions.
MCU 2560
DESIGN EasyEDA will be used to create two custom PCB(s) (the circuit/prototype will be monstrous).
Fusion 360 will be used to create one or two custom 3D printed case(s) (depending on the difficulty of the design that allows folding the case).
COMMUNICATION The MAX7219 LED Matrix Modules and the TFT LCD will both use SPI interface.
MECHANICAL The telephone keypad is the major mechanical component for this project. It will be used to inputs numbers and parameters for the equations of the functions. A joystick is used for creating a graph without inputting parameters (by dragging the joystick, the amplitude and the period of the customize graph can be adjusted).
WX Massage Gun

DESCRIPTION This is a custom massage gun with intensity adjustment feature that focuses on the design domain. A 6-12 V mini DC motor will be used to generate rotations, and a 3D printed bearing will connect the motor to the massage head and translate the rotary motion to linear motion, thus enabling the massage head to move back and forth. An ATmega328p IC will be used to control the motor and the speed of the motor will be adjusted through a 10 kW potentiometer. An IRF520 MOSFET will be used to amplify current to enable the controls. Two 7-segment displays will be used to display the current intensity value of the massage gun (the value will be between 0.0 and 5.0) and the value will change as the potentiometer is spinned. A 9 V to 5 V voltage regulator will be needed for the microcontroller since the power source will be a 9 V battery. A SPDT slide switch will be used to turn the device on/off. For the PCB(s), most parts will likely to be surface mount due to space considerations. The body, handle, and the massage head of the massage gun will be 3D printed.
MCU 328p
HARDWARE The most important hardware component of this project is the 6-12 V mini DC motor used to generate the rotary motion to provide movements for the massage gun. Other hardware parts include an ATmega328p IC, a SPDT slide switch, an IRF520 MOSFET, a 10 kW potentiometer, two 7-segment displays, an LM7805 voltage regulator, a crystal, a diode, some resistors, and some capacitors.
DESIGN One or two PCBs will be designed in EasyEDA depending on the final design of the body of the massage gun, and surface mount service will be ordered from JLC. The PCB at the back of the massage gun will be round. The body, handle, and the massage head of the massage gun will be designed in Fusion 360 and 3D printed.
MECHANICAL A 6-12 V mini DC motor for the movements of the massage gun.