2014-2015 ICS4U Submissions |
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25 | Do not submit, but have completed prior to the exam. |
24 | Do not submit, but have completed prior to the exam. |
23 | Required | LINDENMAYER SYSTEMS: LSystems |
Sunday April 26. Submit Catalog.java with the Subject Line: LSystems |
22b | Required | KOCH CONSTRUCTIONS: Quadratic Koch Island |
Sunday April 26. |
22a | Required | KOCH CONSTRUCTIONS: Triadic Koch Snowflake |
Sunday April 26. |
21b | Required | Monday April 6. Submit Catalog.java with the Subject Line: Triadic and Quadric Cantor |
21a | Required | Monday April 6. Submit with above. |
20 | Required | Cantor Sets: Part 2 of 3 Linear Cantor |
Sunday March 29. Attach all Catalog files to an email to handin under the Subject Line: Linear Cantor. |
19 | Required | Calculus Project: Analysis |
Sunday March 8 - Monday March 23. Attach all Calculus project files to an email to handin under the Subject Line: Analysis. |
18 | Required | Calculus Project: Root Finding |
Sunday March 1. Attach all Calculus project files to an email to handin under the Subject Line: Root Finding. |
17 | Required | Calculus Project: Function.differentiate |
Sunday February 8. Attach all Calculus project files to an email to handin under the Subject Line: Differentiate. |
16 | Required | Calculus Project: Function.parse |
Sunday February 1. Attach all Calculus project files to an email to handin under the Subject Line: Parse. |
15 | Required | Calculus Project: Function.evaluate |
Sunday January 18. Attach all Calculus project files to an email to handin under the Subject Line: Evaluate. |
14 | Required | Calculus Project: Function.preProcess |
Sunday January 11. Have completed by this date. Do not submit until next weekend. |
? | Elective | CBC Logo | Status: OPEN. First Come, First Served. Read description. Subject: CBC Logo |
? | Elective | Combination Lock | Status: OPEN. First Come, First Served. Read description. Subject: Combination Lock |
13 | Required | Calculus Project: Expression Language |
Monday December 15. Submit your neatly handwritten Expression Language to me at the start of class. Please be sure your name is on it. |
? | Elective | Matrix2D Enhanced: Gauss-Seidel |
Status: OPEN. First Come, First Served. Read description. Subject: Gauss-Seidel. Upon completion you will teach the method to the class. |
12 | Required | Animation2D: Part 3. Animation2D | Sunday December 7. Attach all Catalog source files and a sequence of gif images (close to square dimensions) for our Archive. In addition, you are to exploit Processing's Movie Maker feature to create and attach a .mov file of your animation, complete with audio. Consider adding this movie to your website. Subject: Animation2D |
11 | Required | Animation2D: Part 2. Transform2D | Sunday November 23. Implement all Transform2D files within your Catalog project and submit the entire project. Subject: Transform2D |
10 | In Class | Animation2D: Part 1. Matrix2D | Monday November 17. Implement Matrix2D files within your Catalog project (you will submit this coming weekend as part of Transform2D) |
SB | Elective | Sudoku | Status: CLOSED. Sunday January 25. Subject: Sudoku |
9 | Required | Reverse Polish Notation |
Sunday November 2. Attach all Catalog files to an email to handin with the Subject: RPN Evaluator |
In Class | Brackets | |||
? | Elective | Puzzle 3 | Status: OPEN. First Come, First Served. Read description. Subject: Puzzle3 |
8 | Required | Puzzle 2 | Sunday October 26. Attach Framework.java to an email to handin with the Subject: Puzzle2 |
Elective | Fibonacci Spiral | Status: CLOSED. Wednesday December 31. Subject: Fibonacci Spiral |
7 | Required | Puzzle 1 | Sunday October 19. Attach Framework.java to an email to handin with the Subject: Puzzle1 |
6 | Required | JavaScript Mandelbrot | Sunday October 12. Subject: Mandelbrot (for the Archive) |
5 | Required | Framework | Sunday October 5. Includes Mandelbrot, PolyWheelv1 and PolyWheelv2 Elements, launched from their respective menu items. Subject: Framework |
RS | Elective | Antiphon's Process of Exhaustion |
Status: CLOSED. Sunday October 26. Subject: Antiphon |
4 | Required | Mandelbrot Set | Sunday September 28. Attach Mandelbrot.java to an email to handin with the Subject: Mandelbrot |
TG | Elective | RobotTowers | Status: CLOSED. Sunday October 26. Subject: Robot Towers |
3 | Required | Parity | Sunday September 21. Attach Parity.java to an email to handin with the Subject: Parity |
2 | Required | Perfect Powers | Sunday September 14. Attach PerfectPowers.java to an email to handin with the Subject: Perfect Powers |
1 | Required | Review Questions |