Thursday January 18. FINAL EXAM
- Please arrive in class as soon after Period 1 as possible. The exam will start at 9:35am, run through most of the break, and end at 11:05am (90 minutes). The last 10 minutes will enable all ERs to be submitted to handin, all circuits and extra wire kits to be collected
- You are to bring the following into the exam,
- your fully charged laptop
- your up-to-date Engineering Report (ER.docx)
- your Evil Genius workbook and toolkit
- your working prototype of the circuit depicted in Figure L26-1 on page 99
- your reliable, working 12V power supply
- pencil and paper, just in case
- Further details will be provided in class.
Friday December 7. DIGITAL LOGIC.
- Online (similar to the previous test)
- 20 objectives questions: 10 multiple choice and 10 true/false questions
- Ensure you are familiar with (in no particular order)
- The binary number system for whole numbers up to and including 255 (decimal)
- The ASCII values for: space (32), '0' (48), 'A' (65), and 'a' (97)
- The sizes of data (in bits): bit (1), nybble (4), byte (8),
word (16), double word (32), quad word (64)
- The digital logic gates (2 unary gates: EQU & NOT) and (4 binary gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR)
- The analog circuits equivalent to the digital logic gates
- The gate symbols for the digital logic gates
- The design )pin assignments) of CMOS 14-pin DIP packages
- The truth tables for the digital logic gates