2019-2020 Productivity and Initiative Log

Are you a driver or a passenger? Are you the horse or the cart? Successful people are inspired and self-motivated. They do not wait around for others to tell them what to do next; they are perpetually engaged in seeking out opportunities to enhance their own passions and skill sets. Historically, schools have not been organized to cultivate individual student initiative. From the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, conformity and standardized syllabi have been the norm as they are tightly linked to institutional efficiency. Well, the world has moved beyond Ford's 'assembly line' mentality and responsible schools, like RSGC, are doing their best to adapt their practices accordingly to include incentivizing individual students' initiative.

In addition to my commitment to you as a class, I am also committed to each of you as individuals. I will continually update the table below over the course of the year as a reflection of my support for your personal growth within our Engineering and Design disciplines.

In a nutshell, think of this year as a tech internship, at the end of which one or more of you may be offered a permanent position. This is the reality you are heading into so condition yourself for it in ICS4U.

For example, here is a sample of the initiatives that increase your productivity standing:

Outcomes that lower your productivity standing,

April 16th Mark. You are granted an initial standing of 50/100 in September and the goal is to stretch that as far as you can by the end of the year. When I am required to submit your interim mark in our course in support of your application to university, I will simply prorate your productivity progress. To put it into a familiar context,

numTotalClasses = 80;    //total number of classes in the course (somewhere around 80)
currentClass = 63;       //the number of completed classes when April 16 marks are required
shouldHave = map(currentClass, 0, numTotalClasses, 50, 100); //This is the progress to earn a maximum score

currentProgress = ?;     //your progress as of the interim marks due date

mark = constrain(map (currentProgress, 50, shouldHave, 0, 10), 0, 10); //This is the mark you will be advanced

ACE Anticipated Program Domains DES Days/Wk Productivity Progress +Initiatives/-Backwards
J. Dolgin


(Eng 1 / Mech)

(Eng 1)


3 100% +Prusa Maintenance and MMU2 Upgrade (3-4h)
+TA interest
+mentoring two design understudies (JL and JV)
+Fusion 360 Instruction to peers
+repeated modifications to DDB Case
+Supervising the build of Prusa #3
+unboxing and installation of multi-filament order
+Consulting with Admissions on design and production of RSGC Crests
+volunteered for ACES Booth at RSGC Open House
+continued mentoring of 3D printing peers
+Multiple Capacitor Visualizer Design Edits and Printing 25
+Lead Support for Ultimaker Training Session
+Reorganized 3D Printing Inventory (Cabinet) and steel sheets
+Piston Research&Development
+printing 24 Analog Oscillator Cases
+Heavy Maintenance of Prusas
+assistance for Grade 11 on on-TA day
+mentoring of Grade 11 re 3D printing
+did Mr. D. a favour
+CHUMP peer support
+printed a class set of DDB cases
+classy response to 'unusual' situation
+pushed hard for SMD V1 PCB before C N Y
+TA Boost
+regular email reader
+agreed to 3DPrint 100 DDP cases
+printed 30 Serial Mastermind shrouds
+dependable, reliable, supportive
+supported many students/teachers print requests
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
+PoVontheADC support for peers
F. Fatola

Computer Eng.


2 83% +TA Interest
+brought all DES exhaust fans up to speed
+practiced hard after school for BCD unsigned
+reflashed ALL 30 Binary Challenge Devices for new round of games
+intense Charlieplexing code development
+SERIOUS commitment to his TA support responsibilities
+TA Boost
+regular email reader
+replaced broken TMP36
+volunteered info on SMD Station button damage
+undertook optional Legacy Shield PCB
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
+installed AS7 succesfully
+said thank you for home delivery of ADC Shield
J. Lank Engineering

3 91%
+TA Interest
+support for Prusa multifilament upgrade
+Mastercraft Sander
+Inquired about the transformer for his DC/AC inverter
+SMD Introduction for two Grade 10s
+set up all soldering stations
+Watched AOYUE video on his own time
+brought in GB Machine for inspection as requested
+Assembly and testing of Prusa #3
+Learned to use the Ultimaker 2+
+Support for ACES' Open House Station
+Printing 25ish ICS2O Counting Cases!
+offered to rig up a camera and record Ultimaker Training Session
+wrestling with U2+ bed balancing
+Top score in ASCII Challenge
+Prepped and restored table for Ultimaker Training Session
+Assisted Grade 11 with printing his breadboard case
+firmware upgrade of Prusas
+correctly identified mismapped CHUMP EEPROMs
+Prusa maintenance and guidance
+pushed hard for SMD V1 PCB before CNY
+TA Boost
+regular email reader
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
C. Macdonald Engineering
Dalhousie Concordia

2 64% +interest in developing a USB keyboard or mouse
+short discussions and simple trials on 7-segment display
+brought in GB Machine for inspection as requested
+brought in dongle to assist with JD's Fusion Workshops
+applied training experience to start 3D Printing (Flag)
+identified and unclogged Ultimaker boden tube
-not reading emails
+assumed responsibility for maintaining Ultimaker rings
+caught an error of omission on the DDP Parts Table
-Medium ISP Parts List Issue
+working hard after school
+offered to address Ultimaker nozzle jam
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
L. Mazzuca

4 76% +brought DES power bars up to speed
+practiced hard after school for BCD unsigned
+strong, visible, ISP efforts
+brought in GB Machine for inspection as requested
+logging long hours of R&D on Short ISP
+mentoring 10s and 11s after school on day other than official TA
+assisted with Amazon shipment
+pushed hard for SMD V1 PCB before CNY
+TA Boost
+regular email reader
+most hours logged in DES
+covered for another TA
+volunteered to help an 11 with Register-level code
+working really hard to master code
+followed through on tight timeline of JLCPCB run
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
M. McCutcheon


3 80% +Interest in helping Mr. D. with Grade 7 intro to TinkerCAD
+repaired 4 of the 6 faulty DMMs
+assisted Grade 11 with intro to Hex BCD
+accepting full responsibility for personal 3D printing
+updating DES clock
+accepted responsibility for Galaxy Black
+enhanced progress on Short ISP
+voluntarily mentoring 10s and 11s
+intense Charlieplexing code development
+assisting 11s with their projects
+continued coding support for 11s
+introducing 7s to TinkerCAD
+good discussion with ACES Alumni
+sought EAGLE info.
+undertook optional Legacy Shield PCB
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
+printed and assembled face shield(s)
J. Parker

3 74% +rearranged DES furniture :)
+repaired Magnifying Lamp
+brought in GB Machine for inspection as requested
+top score in FIXED BCD Challenge
+scrambled to develop laser cutting deadline
+top score in OCTAL BCD Challenge
+covered James' TA afternoon
+working hard after school on Intersection
+making big effort to master code
+undertook optional Legacy Shield PCB
+submitted receipt for ISP PCB order as requested
+said thank you for home delivery of ADC Shield
S. Peterson
Math & Stats.
Electrical Eng.

Actuarial Science
St. Fx

2 87% +TA interest
+after school mastery of the Binary Challenge: Unsigned
+helping stranded club members with Binary Challenge
+support for Ms. Hubbs' enriched clubbers
+brought in GB Machine for inspection as requested
- missed communication opportunity
+remembered to come after school to get over the octal fence
+Assisted with SMT Reflow Oven Soldering
-tardy DER submission
+significant interest in CHUMP Bonus Question
+Bakin' Bad for a set of 5 Charliplex Matrices
+SMD Soldering of a class set of SimonSticks
-Missed a TA responsibility
+TA Boost
+covered for another TA
+regular email reader
+SMD Bargraph baking marathon...
+followed through on tight timeline of JLCPCB run
+provided strong peer support for AS7
+installed AS7 succesfully
E. Pyper

1 74% +suggested alternative Canadian sources for Prusa products
-Unsigned challenges
+casually initiaited progress on Solar turntable
+Corrected Mr. D. on his pronunciation of UNO
(It's OOOONo, not 'You Know')
+brought in GB Machine for inspection as requested
+Engaged post-production design efforts
+Assisted with SMT Reflow Oven Soldering
+brought in examples of filament.ca PLA prints
+Bakin' Bad for a set of 5 Charliplex Matrices
-strange behaviour when I turn my back...
-not reading emails
+came fully prepared for a creative RAM IC presentation
-Medium ISP Parts List Issue
+increased email reading frequency!
+made adjustment;
(came after school to work and learn!)
+3D printed dozens of face shields as per appeal
+provided link to Prusa filament distributor in Canada
+assisted peers with DER video support