2017-2018 TEI4M Tasks |
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30c | Long ISP: Presentation | Date. Monday May 28. In Class |
30b | Long ISP: Publication | Date. Sunday May 27. Email Subject: Long ISP |
6c | The 4-Wire DC Fan | Date. Monday May 21. ER: Add Parts C-G. Email Subject: The 4-Wire DC Fan |
5e | Presentation of Functioning Flex Circuit | Date. Monday May 7. Class presentation of functioning Flex Circuits (Leave TWO circuits per person with Mr. D) |
5d | Flex Page 2 (double-sided circuit page) |
Date. Saturday May 5. Complete ER to handin under Subject: Flex Page 2
6b | The 4-Wire DC Fan |
Date. Saturday April 14 ER: Add Part B. Harware Design that consists of a margin-margin Fritzing Diagram of the entire circuit. Email Subject: The 4-Wire DC Fan |
5c | Flex Page 1 (in-class order) |
Date. Monday April 9 Please submit your FlexPage.zip file to handin. While you're working on your ISP I'll be assembling the group order :) |
30a | Long ISP: Proposal | Date. Monday April 9. (hand to Mr. D at the start of the class) |
6a | The 4-Wire DC Fan |
Date. Saturday April 7 ER: Include the Title (The 4-Wire DC Fan), Purpose, Part A. Getting Acquainted with the Fan. |
5b | Flex Page 1 |
Date. Saturday April 7 ER: (Partial) ER entries including Purpose, Reference, Media only (include screen captures of .sch, .brd, and DirtyPCBs initial rendering only (do not order) Email Subject: Flex Page 1 |
5a | Flex Page: Proposal |
Date. Tuesday April 3 (hand to Mr. D at the start of the class) |
20d | Medium ISP: Publication | Date. Saturday March 10. Email Subject: Medium ISP |
20c | Medium ISP: Presentation | Date. Thursday March 8. In class. |
4b | Assembly Challenge 3 | Date. TBA. Email Subject: TBA (ER) |
4a | Assembly Challenge 3 | Date. TBA. Email Subject: TBA (Code) |
20b | Medium ISP: Preview | Date. Thursday February 8. In class. |
3b | Assembly Challenge 2 | Date. Saturday January 20. Email Subject: Gray Code Challenge (ER) |
20a | Medium ISP: Proposal | Date. Monday January 15. In Class. Hard copy to Mr. D. |
3a | Assembly Challenge 2 | Date. Monday January 15. Email Subject: Gray Code Challenge (Code) |
2 | Assembly Challenge 1 | Date. Saturday December 2. Email Subject: Challenge 1 (ER) |
10d | Short ISP: Publication | Date. Saturday November 4. Email Subject: Short ISP |
10c | Short ISP: Presentation | Date. Wednesday November 1. In Class |
10b | Short ISP: Preview | Date. Monday October 16. In Class |
1c | Project 1. TTL Processor Publication | Date. Saturday October 14. ER Summary Email Subject: TTL Processor |
1b | Project 1. TTL Processor Presentation |
Date. Tuesday October 10. In Class |
1a | Project 1. TTL Processor IC Presentation |
Date. Monday September 18. In Class |
10a | Short ISP: Proposal | Date. Thursday September 14. In Class. Hard copy to Mr. D. |