DataLogger Exercises


Session A (Tuesday December 20).
  1. (Hardware) After positioning your major components (LCD, TC74, DS1307RTC, and 24LC256) on your breadboard similar to the image to the right, wire a common bus containing the three I2C devices to your Arduino The I2C addressses of the TC74, RTC and EEPROM devices are 0x48, 0x68 and 0x50, respectively, so they coexist peacefully.
  2. (Software) Create a folder called DataLogger. Within the folder, develop the project I2CSerialMonitor that includes the required I2C (TWI) libraries and initializes them in the setup() function. Your loop() function should confirm successful operation by reading and echoing the temperature, time and date data to the Serial Monitor every second.
  3. (Hardware). Wire the LCD to your Arduino.
  4. (Software). View this video. Implement the sketch I2CtoLCD.ino that results in functionality similar to the video.
Session B (Thursday January 12). TBD....
  1. (Software). Develop the sketch EEPROMDisk.ino that logs and echoes the temp/time/date data to 24LC256 addresses every 2 sec to the Serial Monitor over a period of one 1 min.
  2. (Software). Develop the sketch EEPROMRead.ino that reads the data from the 24LC256 and echoes it to LCD.

Session C (Wednesday January 18).

  1. Wise students have already begun to (if not completed),