RSGC ACES: doodLED (January 2025) |
The iconic Etch-A-Sketch toy deserved an ACES LED makeover. Dubbed the doodLED, 10 instances of our interpretation were developed in the Fall of 2024. JLCPCB was charged with manufacturing and populating the PCBs shown below. The only additional soldering required were the four mini-matrices on the daughterboard. The overhanging ports at the back of the motherboard, from left to right, are as follows,
NOTE: Please unplug the battery when not in use.
EasyEDA Rendering of doodLED Daughterboard | EasyEDA Rendering of doodLED Motherboard |
JLCPCB Manufactured and Populated Daughterboard and Motherboard |
Fusion 360 Designed Case Top | Knobs | Fusion 360 Designed Case Bottom |
DES Prusa Printed Knobs (PLA) | JLCPCB 3D Printed Case Top and Bottom (MJF) with 2 mm Arylic Viewing Window |