- Open up Yale's Random IFS Applet and first confirm the details of the coordinate space by running your mouse over the rendering area while viewing the x-y info window in the bottom right corner.
- Explore the various entries in the Scenarios Menu.
- Reload the first entry, Sierpinski Gasket. Under the Edit menu, launch the Affine Transforms and confirm the respective entries for r, s, θ, ρ, e, and f for each transform. Once satisified, minimize the the Affine Transforms window (do not close it).
- Launch the IFS Freestyle Applet. Add an Affine Transform to the drawing area and familiarize yourself with the 9 transform tools. Synchronize your manipulation of each tool with the resulting effect on the algebraic transform by pressing the Show IFS Code button. If the purpose of any of the tools eludes you, consult the documentation.
- Use the IFS Freestyle Applet to compose the three affine transforms for the Sierpinski Gasket and select Render Fractal>Random to view it.
- Return to Yale's Random IFS Applet and display the Koch Curve. Examine and confirm the 6 details of the 4 Affine Transforms under the Edit menu.
- Use the knowledge from Step 6 to generate the same Koch Curve within the IFS Freestyle Applet.
- Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for the Barnsley Fern.