- Define the following terms and concepts:
- software
- program
- project
- class
- object
- constructor
- method
- parameter
- syntax
- semantics
- inheritance
- Outline the Java Development Cycle
- Explain Stepwise Refinement.
- What purpose does Java's import statement serve?
- Explain the Object Instantiation Pattern.
- In what context are the reserved words: public, private, and protected used?
- Explain the difference between an accessor method and a modifier method.
- What purpose does commenting your code serve? Identify the three types of comment styles and syntax.
- What support does the javadoc utility provide?
- What options does Java offer for supplying input to your program?
- What is the Java Console and what statement does Java offer for display output to the Console?
- What data types does Java offer?
- Identify Java's decision-making statement(s).
- Identify Java's repetition statement(s).