Review of Java Concepts Introduced in ICS2O: Learning to Program with Robots


  1. Define the following terms and concepts:
  2. Outline the Java Development Cycle
  3. Explain Stepwise Refinement.
  4. What purpose does Java's import statement serve?
  5. Explain the Object Instantiation Pattern.
  6. In what context are the reserved words: public, private, and protected used?
  7. Explain the difference between an accessor method and a modifier method.
  8. What purpose does commenting your code serve? Identify the three types of comment styles and syntax.
  9. What support does the javadoc utility provide?
  10. What options does Java offer for supplying input to your program?
  11. What is the Java Console and what statement does Java offer for display output to the Console?
  12. What data types does Java offer?
  13. Identify Java's decision-making statement(s).
  14. Identify Java's repetition statement(s).